Animal Services

The Lois Claussen Muhs Memorial Pavilion is available year-round at no charge.  This beautiful brick building has rolling doors that can be left open for the breeze and view in the summer or closed for a cozy afternoon with the wood-burning fireplace inside. There is a large grill outdoors and picnic tables.  We encourage you to use this wonderful addition to our community that was created with a legacy donation from Lois Claussen Muhs.

Please note:

  • You may need to call ahead if the doors are locked.  We are happy to open it for you.  Due to vandalism, we have had to keep the doors locked.
  • Restrooms in the facility are closed down during the winter months. 
  • If you wish to use the fireplace, you must bring your own wood and clear out the ashes in the provided red can.
  • The pavilion is free for use without reservations, however, if you want to ensure it is available the day of your